Rock God_Book 2_A Contemporary Harem Fantasy Page 5
“Beth!” I yelled at her.
“Okay, listen.” She raised her pointer finger to her full red lips and made a shushing noise. She carefully put the vodka down on the table next to my laptop and sat on the couch next to me.
“I am willing to negotiate with you.” She smiled and ran her fingers back through her lustrous mane of hair. She had her legs together as she sat on the couch, but she leaned forward toward me slightly, so that I could see the perfect curves of her breasts and the dress riding up her thighs.
“Negotiate?” I bit my lip. Fuck me. How did I get out of this? I needed to go to school tomorrow, and I didn’t need a seductive sixteen year old trying to Lolita me right into a jail cell.
“Yes. I want something. You want something. Let’s negotiate.” She smiled, and her perfect teeth and red lips distracted me. Her hand reached over and brushed my knee through the jeans I had left on.
“I want you to go home,” I said plainly.
“See. I want to stay. So we won’t be able to negotiate that point. Think of something else you want while I pour us some drinks.” She rose from the couch easily and smiled down at me while she pulled her hair back from her face.
“How drunk are you?” I asked as I watched her walk the short distance to the kitchen. She had slurred her words slightly on my doorstep, but she moved like this was a ballet dance. I reached over to grab my phone so I could call the cab. I’d just use 411.
My phone wasn’t on the coffee table anymore.
Had I left it there? I put my hands in my pockets, but it wasn’t there either. I picked up the laptop, but the phone hadn’t somehow hidden under the computer. I looked around the floor between the couch and the coffee table.
“I was very drunk. I think I still am. All these uninteresting men were hitting on me at this party,” she said from the kitchen. I could hear cabinet doors opening and ice hitting glass. I wasn’t paying attention though. I could have sworn that I put the phone on the coffee table.
“I started thinking of you. I missed you, so I decided to see if you were home.” She walked back into the living room holding two small tumblers filled with ice and vodka.
“Listen Beth, you really need to go home. You’ve seen me now, so can I please call you a cab?” I took the glass she offered me. Her face looked pouty for a second as she considered my words. Then she carefully sat on the edge of the couch next to me and clinked her glass to mine.
“I want to spend the night. What do I have to do to make that happen?” She took a careful sip of the drink and leaned back against the armrest. Her face studied mine like we were playing poker.
“There isn’t anything you could do,” I said quickly. My cock disagreed with the words. It pushed angrily against my jeans and begged to be released.
“I’m sure there is something I could do, Eric.” She smiled softly and took another sip of her drink.
“No. You have to go.” I set my drink down without taking a sip of it. Maybe my phone was in the kitchen. I started to rise off the couch to go see it. Beth’s left hand shot out and put enough pressure on my arm to keep me seated unless I wanted to force her arm off me, but I didn’t think it was appropriate yet.
“I’ll try this another way. Why do I have to leave?” She licked her lips to remove some of the vodka from them. The movement made my breath catch. I could smell her light perfume from the few feet away. It smelled like lilac and cinnamon.
“Because you are sixteen. Because I have school and work tomorrow. Because your sister would be angry.” I crossed my arms and wished I could put a pillow on top of my lap.
“Why does me being sixteen bother you so much?” She smiled sweetly at me and took another sip.
“Because I could go to jail if we had sex.” She laughed when the words left my mouth. It sounded like bells ringing, and she covered her mouth with the back of her left hand.
“Eric. You are so cute I adore you. Can we talk about this for a minute?” Her blue eyes glittered with mirth. I nodded, but suspected I had made some sort of error.
“You are assuming that I want to have sex with you?” She smirked slightly and took another sip of her drink.
“Well… yes.” I think I stuttered a bit. Suddenly I had doubts though. Maybe I was reading her wrong? She seemed to be mocking me now.
“Boys are so funny. You just want to put your dicks into things.” She smiled and chuckled.
“Beth. I’m sorry. I just thought that you were… Shit.” I waved my hands at her in defeat. She was fucking weird, and I must have read her intentions completely wrong. She didn’t want to have sex with me. Maybe she just really liked spending time with me and didn’t want to fuck me.
“Have you ever been to Italy?” she asked suddenly as she sat up and leaned toward me.
“No. I’ve never been out of the country.” I sighed, thankful for the change in subject. We could talk about her trip while I looked for my phone. I got up to look under the cushions of my couch.
“Do you want to go?” she asked.
“Of course. I am jealous that you are going to be living there.” The phone hadn’t fallen under the cushions.
“Okay. We’ll go next weekend.”
“What?” I gaped at her.
“It’s a long flight, but it will be fun to spend that much time alone with you.” She took another sip of vodka and looked at the images flashing on the TV.
“I can’t go to Italy.” I think my voice cracked.
“Yes you can. I’ll take care of everything. I’ll have a car pick you up and take you to the airport.” She smiled at me in pure pleasure.
I couldn’t find my words. How could I just pick up everything and leave that suddenly with her? Weren’t these things supposed to be planned out? How much did tickets to Italy cost? Where would we stay? A weekend alone with Beth?
A weekend alone with Beth in Italy.
“See, I found something you wanted.” She licked her lips before she continued. “So I want to stay over tonight and spend time with you. You want to go to Italy. A fair trade, I think. Do you agree?” I don’t even think I registered her words. I couldn’t even think of a reply.
“We won’t have sex tonight. I can understand your concern. The legal age of consent in Italy is fourteen. You can wait till next weekend. It will be more romantic there anyway.” She sighed and looked from the TV back to me.
“Beth….” I started. This was completely fucked up. Beth was crazy. As crazy as she was beautiful.
“You have school tomorrow? What time?” she interrupted.
“Eight in the morning.”
“Do you have a test?”
“No.” I should have said yes.
“Great. You can ditch it. What time is work?” She took a larger sip of her drink. It was almost gone now. I hadn’t touched mine.
“I normally get in around eleven.” I ducked down to look under my couch. “Have you seen my phone?” I asked her.
“You left it on the coffee table. Forget about it. Come sit down next to me.” I was kneeling by the other side of the couch in an attempt to look under it. I still didn’t see the phone. “I’m sure you’ll find it,” she finished.
“Beth, I can’t go to Italy with you next weekend.” I sat back on the opposite end of the couch from her. Her perfect mouth began to open, so I interrupted her. “I already made a commitment to be somewhere Friday night. I have work the next Monday. We would basically be flying there and back.” She smiled suddenly, and I realized I probably gave her an opening.
“What are you doing Friday night?” Her drink was finished now, and she frowned when she realized there were only a few cubes of ice left in the glass.
“I am going to a party.”
“I’ll come with you.” Her frown quickly turned into a smile that distracted me. My eyes kept flashing to the red bow. It was off to the right side of her neck like a cross between a present wrapping and a choker. I liked it when girls wore chokers, but she would have no way of guess
ing that.
“I can’t take you.” I thought about what Aimee would think if I went to Brent’s party with her sister in tow. She would freak the fuck out.
“Okay.” She sat back and gave me a look that would have lit kindling from across the room. I was surprised she had given up so soon. “Instead of going to Italy, we can spend Saturday and Sunday together. We can go to both Gettys and visit some parks.”
“Beth…” I began to argue with her again, but she cut me off.
“You are free Saturday and Sunday, so don’t lie to me.” She waved her finger in the air and smirked at me.
“How do you know?” I sneered. This was getting out of hand. Okay. It was beyond getting out of hand. I just didn’t know how to get rid of her.
“If you had plans Saturday or Sunday, you would have mentioned them when I talked about flying to Italy. You only mentioned plans Friday; therefore, you are free Saturday and Sunday.” She smiled in victory. I scrambled to find something to say. I needed some way to wiggle out of this. She got there before me. “You did promise you would spend time with me.” Her eye lids fluttered, and she gave me a pouty look.
“We are spending time together right now!” I said in defense.
“Exactly!” She bounced up on the couch cushion and clapped her hands together in glee. “What should be do? Watch TV?” She threw herself across the couch suddenly and twisted. My arms unconsciously caught her.
Now she was sitting on my lap with my dick pressed painfully into her perfect ass. Her legs stretched out across my couch, and her left arm wrapped around my shoulders. The sensation of her body against mine spread though me like a warm drink on a cold day. My right hand had found the bone of her right hip and latched onto it. My left hand grasped onto her right thigh, and I could feel how amazingly smooth and toned her legs were.
My willpower eroded.
Fuck me.
“There isn’t anything on at two forty-five in the morning,” I said lamely. She turned her face away from the flickering infomercial and looked at me. Her mouth was just four or five inches from mine.
“I don’t really watch television anyway. What else can we do?” she squirmed against me, and I couldn’t help but gasp. Her breath smelled like vodka.
I had been looking at her lips. They hung slightly open, and her tongue flicked out quickly to wet them. The movement seemed to have broken the trance her mouth had put me in, and I looked up into her eyes. They were a pair of glaciers off the coast of Antarctica. She had been looking at my lips too, and her eyes darted up to meet mine. Silence hung between us for an hour. Or so it seemed.
“We could talk,” I whispered.
“I would love that,” she whispered back. Her mouth curved up in a slight smile. “Jack said you were working in finance?”
“Yes.” She caught me off guard with the sudden question about myself. “Jack said you called him this weekend?” I narrowed my eyes at her.
“Yes.” She leaned her head against my shoulder and let out a light sigh. Her hair smelled amazing. Flowers, mangos, and mint. I closed my eyes and leaned back slightly in the couch. I shouldn’t be here right now. She shouldn’t be here right now. But Beth felt amazing in my arms, and she smelled divine.
“He said you were looking for me. I thought I told you I was going camping?” I pitched a slow-ball question, but I didn’t know if I wanted the answer.
“I thought we got disconnected on the phone. I called you back, but you did not return my call. I was worried.” She murmured into my ear and snuggled against me. The movement caused my cock to scrape against her ass more. I almost groaned in pleasure, but I stopped myself.
I am not going to have sex with Beth tonight, I reminded my penis.
“What classes are you taking now?”
“Just basic business courses and a few general education classes.”
“Do you enjoy them?” I felt her warm breath on my neck.
“As much as I can enjoy school.” I chuckled a bit. “I like some of my business classes.”
“What else do you enjoy? I want to know everything about you.” Her words slurred again, either from exhaustion or from the alcohol.
“It takes a long time to know everything about someone.”
“I am patient. Sometimes.” She giggled, and the movement made her body squirm against mine. She must have felt my erection. “That feels good,” she whispered, or moaned, or said in a way that made my head spin. I realized that my left hand had been stroking her thigh lightly with the tips of my fingers. It had a mind of its own, but now that I knew I was doing it, I didn’t really want to stop touching her skin.
“What else?” she prompted me again.
“I like running, music…” I searched for words, suddenly I felt very boring. Luckily she interrupted me.
“I run too. On the treadmill though. Do you run around here?” her head was pressed against my shoulder and neck again.
“Yeah. Just a few miles around my apartment. It helps clear my mind.” I hadn’t been able to run all weekend because of the camping trip, and I was starting to miss it. I definitely needed to clear my head.
“Good. I’ll come running with you. What type of music do you like? I remember hearing you play the piano downstairs when you came to visit.” Her words were more slurred now, and she spoke very softly.
“I like everything really. Lately, I’ve been listening to Swedish heavy metal.” I laughed a little at myself.
“Where is your piano? The bedroom?” she shivered suddenly, and I reactively pulled her closer to me. My left hand increased the pace I was rubbing her legs, and my right hand started to rub her back through the thin black dress.
“No. I don’t have a keyboard here. I honestly haven’t played piano or guitar or anything in a long time.”
“You play guitar as well?” She shivered again.
“Yeah. I used to be a performance major for the guitar, but then I changed to finance.”
“Can you play some?” Her right hand had been in her lap while she sat on mine. It came up and touched my chest lightly.
“I don’t play anymore.” I expected to feel the lump in my throat, but I didn’t. I was probably too worried about the jailbait in my arms
“Why?” She shivered again.
“Are you cold? Want me to get you a blanket?” I said with a concern. Her teeth suddenly started chattering.
“No,” she whimpered. “Where is your bathroom? I drank too much.”
“Down the hall, through my room, and make a right.” My arms got off her like she had the plague, and she tried to get to her feet. She wobbled, and I had to catch her arm before she fell down onto the couch again.
I got up from the sofa and wrapped my right arm around her slender shoulders. She was shaking like a leaf in a tornado, and her face looked gray. I pulled her toward the hallway, and she stumbled with me. My apartment was small, but the fifty feet to my bathroom seemed to take forever. I hit the light switch when we got inside and was thankful that I remembered to clean the room before I left to go camping.
“Please leave,” she pleaded before she fell onto her knees in worship of the toilet. I dashed back out of the room and closed the door a half a second before she started hurling.
Vomiting always sounds more painful than it probably is. But Beth sounded like the inside of her stomach was trying to come out. I paced in front of the door for a few moments until I realized that she would probably need some water to drink when she was done. I walked into the living room, grabbed her empty glass and my full one, went to the kitchen, and washed them. Then I found a large glass in the cabinet and filled it with water from the pitcher I kept in the fridge.
Which sat next to my phone.
It didn’t take me long to figure out what had happened. Beth must have grabbed it from the coffee table and then put it in the fridge. Sneaky. But, now that I had it, I really didn’t feel like forcing a taxi down her throat. It was pretty obvious that she wouldn’t try to seduce m
e tonight. If anything, she’d probably ask me to take her home once she finished barfing. I imagined that she would be pretty embarrassed. Or at least, everyone that I had ever known that threw up from drinking had always seemed ashamed.
I poured her a large cup of water and then poured myself one. I was halfway done with the glass when I heard the toilet flush and the sink turn on. I grabbed our glasses and walked into my room. The water ran for a few minutes before she opened the door.
“Sorry. I used your toothbrush.” Tears streamed down her face, and her hair was a tangled mess.
“Drink this.” I handed her the glass, and she grasped it with both hands before sipping it. I glanced into the bathroom, and it looked like she had gotten everything in the toilet.
“Careful.” The effort of drinking was causing her to tip over. She took a step back in an attempt to steady herself, but I could tell she was going to go down. My arm wrapped around her hips, and I pulled her body into me while I balanced my glass of water in my right hand.
“Drink all of it,” I ordered her when she tried to pass the glass back to me after only drinking half of it. She frowned and finished off the rest of the glass.
“I’ll get you more. Let me take you back to the couch.” I pulled on her hips gently to bring her out of my room.
“I have to vomit again,” she said flatly.
“Okay!” I let her go quickly, and she stumbled back into the bathroom, shutting the door behind her. Fuck. She was going to throw up all the water she just drank. I walked back to the kitchen to get her more, but I just heard the sink in the bathroom turn on, then off, and the door open.
“Beth?” I called out from the kitchen. She didn’t answer.
I filled up her glass again and topped mine off. Then I refilled the pitcher and put it in the fridge before I cautiously ventured back into my room.
Beth was curled up on top of the covers of my bed in what appeared to be a deep sleep. The bed was a queen size, and her beautiful body only took up a tiny corner of it. Her legs were pulled up to her chest, and, since the head board of my bed was on the opposite side of the room from the door that led to the hallway, I could see that Beth was wearing red thong panties that matched the bow on her neck. The bottoms of her black, leather high heels were also red.