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Tamer- King of Dinosaurs Book 6 Page 23
Tamer- King of Dinosaurs Book 6 Read online
Page 23
“Oh, no,” I chuckled. “I’m just a bit, uhhh, surprised at how badass you are. When the only way we could communicate was through the gestures, I had kind of thought of you as somewhat shy and peaceful.”
I have wanted you as my Mate since we first met. I felt it in my heart. I would do anything to make you happy with me. But I was also an empress. I feel pride, but also worry in my heart.
“What were you worried about?” I asked.
I was worried you did not feel the same way about me that I felt about you. This world is starting a new life for me. I have no army. On my world, a single thought through my control gems would command my armies to lay waste to all before me. That is gone now, and all I have is a somewhat useful ability to make a duplicate of myself and the love for a powerful man who has many other women who vie for his affections. I was happy when you chose to take me alone on this mission, and when you kissed me, but when you did not inseminate me during our first night, I began to think that I was just a tool for you to use in your conquest, and you weren’t interested in breeding with me. I was fine with that, since I realize that you have your other wives to inseminate, but it still hurt my heart. That changed when you told me I could not serve as your tool and let those men rape me. I realized that you really did love me, since you thought of my womb as your property already and would not allow other males to plant their seed in me.
“Yeah,” I sighed. “You are mine, if that is what you want.”
It is what I want. Just you, and only you.
One Emerald gestured, and then the other one continued.
We knew it when Liahpa and I first met you. You rode toward us on your dinosaurs and destroyed the deadly black ones who were about to kill us. It was obvious you had domination over your steeds and the surrounding women. Just like a powerful male of my species would control those who are lesser. My entire life had been spent ruling others, so it was exciting and arousing to see a male who I knew could dominate me. It made me nervous to be around you, and it was worse because I couldn’t explain myself to you.
“We understand each other now,” I said as I grinned at both women.
Yes. Tonight has made me very happy. It has been many years since I have felt a warm emotion like this.
Both Emeralds reached out to me, and they ran their fingers over my face. Their eyes still looked predatory, but there was also adoration in their whiteness, and I kissed each of their fingers when they traced them over my lips.
“We still have a lot of work to do,” I said after we had stared into each other’s eyes for a few minutes. “Those men down on the beach need to be taken care of. Then we need to get back to our camp. Then we have to pack everything up and return here. Then we have to build our new home.”
You will find a way. You always do. Now that you can understand me the tasks will be easier. This body will go prepare us dinner, while the other one and you can return to the edge of the cliff, observe our enemies, and plan their demise.
“Sounds good,” I said. “I realize that we haven’t eaten all day, and the sun set a while ago.”
We were lost in the insemination process. Trel said it would feel wonderful, but she undersold the activity. You had dominion over me. My mind stopped working and my body obeyed your every thrust. The movements you made brought me pleasure, and then you rewarded me with your warm seed and claimed my womb as yours. Now I will do my part by incubating your offspring, and together we will rule this world.
“Okay,” I whispered, since that was the only thing I could think about saying. Her talk about ‘dominion’ kind of reminded me of the way Sheela liked to be subservient to me, and I realized that my cock was starting to harden again.
Both of the women gave me a last smile, and then they reached for their clothes. I followed suit, and a few moments later all three of us were dressed once more. One of the Emeralds gave me a soft kiss, and then moved west through the trees toward the clearing where the rest of our dinosaurs were left to rest, and the other Emerald and I crawled back to the edge of the cliff so that we could look down at the enemy camp again.
“That was a fun intermission,” I chuckled. “But now let’s get back to the main feature. How are we going to take out their--”
Streams of light interrupted my words, and a dozen rays of colored light appeared in the twilight sky. Most of the light beams appeared miles away in the jungles or distant valleys, and the only reason we could see them was because of our high elevation on the peninsula, but one of them appeared on the beach between the water and the enemy camp. It was a light blue in color, but bright enough so that I had to shield my eyes a bit.
The new survivor was maybe a quarter of a mile away from the enemy camp.
“Well, shit,” I groaned. “That’s going to complicate things.”
Chapter 14
What should we do?
Emerald’s hands gestured to the scene below and then pointed to the both of us.
“I don’t think we can do anything,” I hissed as the blue light from the column started to fade. “We can’t get down there in time to help whoever is showing up.”
Emerald nodded, and then I focused my attention on the figure emerging from the fading column of light. My stomach knotted up when I thought about what was going to happen to the survivor if it was a woman, but then I realized that a man might not have a much better chance. He’d probably be told he had to join them or die, and most of the dudes I’d met so far were pretty headstrong.
I still breathed a slight sigh of relief when I saw that the figure looked male.
It was hard to tell exactly how big he was from this distance, but I guessed he was about eight-feet tall. He looked humanoid and wore what looked like jean capri pants over thick quad muscles. His chest was bare and ripped, and his skin was a strange light cyan color, like ice or snow mixed with clouds. Each of his two arms were thick with corded muscles, and his hands looked like mini-boulders. He would have looked like a Mr. Universe contestant with body-paint on from the shoulders down, with maybe hands, knees, and feet that were a bit too large to be human.
But that was where the resemblance ended, since the man had two heads coming out of his shoulders.
One of the heads had black hair and glowing red eyes. The other head had white hair and glowing blue eyes. When I’d shown up on Dinosaurland, I’d been all sorts of confused, but this guy’s two heads glanced around the beach with a look of absolute contempt. As if he blamed the sand and the water for bringing him here.
“Here come the other guys,” I said as I saw the ten men from the camp move across the beach toward the new arrival.
The men from the hostile camp didn’t really run toward him, but they weren’t strolling either. It was a bit of a power walk, and the two-headed man turned toward them as one of the men tapped the air with his right hand and created little glowing balls of light.
“Now we know what he does,” I said as I watched them get within fifty yards of the new arrival. “I don’t suppose you can hear what they are saying?”
Emerald shook her head, but we probably didn’t need to hear what they were saying, the tall leader approached the man with two heads, gestured back toward his campsite, and then pounded his fist against the sparkly skin of his chest.
The newcomer’s twin heads pivoted on their necks so that each one glanced at five of the other tribe members, but then they both focused on the leader and they shook their heads.
The leader pounded his chest again, and then he gestured to the sand in front of him. I guessed he was telling the two-headed dude to kneel down, or swear loyalty or something, but the bigger man shook his two heads again and then crossed his arms over his broad chest.
The leader held up his hand toward the man with his fingers spread wide, the movement was obviously some sort of attack, and the two-headed ogre dude sprinted forward with a sudden burst of speed that surprised me. It didn’t matter though, he took two steps, and then his body seemed to freeze in place.<
br />
The group of men laughed, and then the leader nodded his head to the man with the orange hair. They both spoke to each other for a few seconds, and then the orange-haired man whipped his arms around as if he was throwing a Frisbee during an Ultimate game.
A wide net of inky blackness emerged and spread from the orange-haired guy’s hands and flew through the air. It almost kind of looked like a spider’s web being thrown, but before it could entrap the two-headed dude, it kind of hung in the air as if there was an invisible globe surrounding the newcomer.
“Huh,” I said to Emerald as I watched the orange-haired guy walk around to the backside of the two-headed newcomer and repeat the same Frisbee throwing movement. This second net also seemed to catch on an invisible shield and kind of hung in the air about a foot above the newcomer’s head.
Then the orange-haired man walked around to the other flank and repeated the movement. Now there were three nets hanging over the big blue-white dude, and the ten men were all laughing at some sort of shared joke. The guy who threw the nets nodded to the leader as he stepped back so that he was standing shoulder to shoulder with the other men.
Then the leader, who had been holding his hand up with his fingers clenched the entire time, opened his hand and let his arm drop to his side.
The nets suddenly fell on the larger man, who let out a roar that I could hear from where we were, which was a good quarter of a mile away and almost two-hundred yards up. The nets tangled around his necks, over his heads, around his shoulders, and across his thick legs. The big dude went down like a chopped pine tree, and the other men all cheered loudly.
The leader of the group nodded to a man with long braided silver hair, and the man walked across the sand to where the two-headed newcomer was struggling against the net. As the silver-haired man walked, his arms shimmered, and they went from looking like a normal human’s hands, to glowing energy blades that kind of looked like gladius shaped light sabers.
Big Dude with the Two Heads saw the guy with the glowing blade arms coming, and he increased his thrashing. It didn’t matter though, he couldn’t escape the net, or really roll away, and the guy with the blade arms easily slashed through the net and took both of his heads off.
Then he made four more quick movements and separated the dead man’s arms and legs from his torso.
The ten men from the tribe all let out another cheer that rolled across the beach and over the sound of the river to reach Emerald and my ears. Then all the men but the leader walked over to the corpse, grabbed various parts of the body, lifted them up, and turned to walk back to the camp.
“Hmmm,” I said as I tried not to think about what the men were going to do with the pieces of the body. “I know a bit more of how the leader’s powers work now.”
Tell me.
“So, it is like a time freeze like you said. Notice how the nets floated in the air? That was because they hit the globe where he had stopped time and then they just sat there. It also looked like he had to hold his hand up to keep the ability working. This means he can’t just freeze someone and then kill them himself. Hell, he can’t even have anyone else kill someone that he freezes, since they would have to step inside the globe and they would then get frozen.”
Very observant. I had not noticed that.
“What makes the leader powerful is that orange-haired net guy,” I continued, “since he can throw up the nets. They definitely have a synergy, but I’m not sure anyone else in their group realizes it.”
I understand. Without the nets, they would not be able to capture the leader’s time-frozen target. They could not get in close, but maybe they could throw something?
“Yeah, they could,” I said with a shrug, “I’m not entirely sure how it works, but if they threw like a spear or something, it would get stuck in the time stop area and just sit there. It would depend on what the person who was frozen would see. If they saw the spear, and it got frozen, maybe they could dodge when they became unfrozen. I’m not sure, but I’m going to guess that it’s really all about those nets, since they cover a huge area, and the orange-haired guy used three all at different angles. He wanted to make sure he caught the two headed dude.”
As I spoke, the ferns behind us shifted, and the other Emerald emerged. She carried three sticks with cooked meat impaled on the end, and we each took one and started to nibble on our dinner. I knew I should have been starving, but I was still doing mental gymnastics around the abilities of the group down below, and I couldn’t really even taste the food.
The Emeralds both flashed their purple lights at each other for ten seconds while they first started eating, and then the one who had cooked gestured to me.
I have been updated on the abilities of the men we will destroy.
“That was quick,” I said as I glanced at the purple gemstones in their foreheads. “Your light communication can convey a lot of information quickly, huh?”
They both nodded, and then I turned my attention back to the side of the cliff and the campsite below.
“I think killing the guy with the nets will be a good first step,” I said. “I think the leader will still be an issue, and if we can get to him first, then we’ll kill him, but I’m thinking that as soon as we kill someone, they are going to know, so we are going to have to pick our first targets carefully.”
What is your plan?
“They are cooking up that guy’s arms and legs,” I nodded down the side of the cliff and across the water to where the men had that cooking fire. “I’m guessing they will all go to sleep in a few hours. After they eat, and before they sleep, people normally need to shit or piss.”
I have noticed them moving toward the east side of the camp into the jungle alone. I believe their waste facilities are over in that direction.
“Have you seen the leader go yet today?” I asked.
No. Just the man with the tentacles, the one who makes the globes of light, the one with the swords on his arms, and the bald one with the markings on his neck.
“We don’t know what the bald guy does yet,” I said as I stared at the man in question. He looked a bit like Mr. Clean, only his skin was kind of a light orange color, and he had triangle tattoos on his neck.
The other’s pay him no mind, so perhaps his powers are not significant.
“How about the guy with the floppy ears and shiny skin?” I asked as I looked at the ninth guy. His skin looked redish, and he also seemed to have spiky hair that kind of clumped as if he’d tried to shave his head without a mirror.
He is always the one who starts the fires. He puts his hand into the wood and it lights. They don’t seem fearful of him either.
“Okay,” I said as I watched the floppy-eared alien stare into the flames of the campfire. “So maybe he has some mild fire control ability.”
The last one’s abilities are also a mystery.
“Hmmm,” I said as I glanced at the final member of the tribe. He had pale skin and long dark gray hair with some white splotches. Some of the hair was braided, but most fell down his shoulders in a dirty wave. His body was a bit more muscular than everyone else’s, and he had a large stone axe sitting on the ground next to him. He chomped into one of the cooked limbs eagerly, and as the fire flickered, I saw the light play off the numerous scars across his biceps, back, and chest. After the Brad Pitt guy with the wings on his ankles, this gray-haired Viking looking dude would have been the closest to human, but his ribcage came out a bit too much, his stomach was extremely narrow, and his elbow and knee joints seemed too thick.
Perhaps he is a warrior?
“Yeah,” I said as I glanced around the circle of eating men. None of them were sitting particularly close to the last guy, but he also wasn’t getting the same kind of deferential looks that the dude with the long blue hair and star-speckled skin received.
“I’m hesitant because we don’t know most of these guys’ powers,” I said as I studied the group. “We really should watch them for a few more days, but I also do
n’t think we have the time. The women back at our camp are in danger every day we are gone.”
One of the Emeralds sighed, but then the other one pointed at my head and then gestured down toward the camp.
Can you use your taming powers from this distance? Could we just send your creatures down there to lay waste to them?
“Hmmm,” I said as I bit my lip. “I think I could control them from this distance, since I can kind of direct Bruce from the ground when he is at least that high in the air. However, I think I’m going to need to go down there just in case they require more nuanced instructions. The net guy and leader are my top priorities, but then the dude with the glowing hand swords also seems deadly. I’d worry that if I just send all my dinos down there to kill them all, the men would be able to fight back and win. They’d just need to freeze time around Grumpy and Nicole, net them, and then take care of the others.”
That might be too difficult if they both attack at once and from different angles.
Emerald brought her hands together from far apart and then smacked her right hand knuckles across the palm of her left hand.
“You might be right, but they’d kill one of them, maybe more,” I sighed. “I’m not saying your plan wouldn’t work, but I feel like we need a distraction to throw them off. Actually, I need to kill either the net guy or the leader, and then I need a distraction to throw the whole group off. After that, I can probably send Grumpy, Nicole, Bevis, and Butt-head in to fuck them up, and the troodons can hunt down any of them who try to escape.”
The flowers.
“We already talked about them raping you,” I said. “I know you want us to win, but I’m not willing to sac--”
No. Perhaps just them smelling the flowers will distract them enough?
“Huh,” I replied as I glanced down again at their cooking fire. “What if we burn them? Will that spread the smoke around enough and make them freak out?”
I believe so.
“Okay,” I said, and my mind started to work on putting the pieces of a plan together.