Rock God_Book 2_A Contemporary Harem Fantasy Read online

Page 17

  “Beth,” I said. I was standing in the doorway of my room, and I realized I was scared to walk in and confront the girl. I should have just grabbed some clothes and driven to a hotel or something.

  She didn’t move, so I said her name again. Then I heard her sigh, and the lump under the blankets spun.

  “Did she leave?” she said, her voice sounded bored.

  “Why are you here?” I avoided her question since she knew damn well I’d just walked Kelly out.

  “I said before. You never returned my call.” She sat up slightly in my bed and held the sheets against her chest. I flipped on the light in my room, and her pretty eyes narrowed against the sudden light.

  “You need to leave.” I shouldn’t have turned on the light. Her arms and shoulders were bare. Her skin was unbelievably smooth and delicious looking. “Didn’t I tell you how rude it was to come into someone’s home without being invited?” I tried to remember what I said when she had last showed up at my apartment.

  “It is rude not to return someone’s calls. It is rude not to show up to a day we had planned together. I’m not the rude one here, Eric.” She frowned, and her perfectly shaped eyebrows arched in a way that made me think she was about to cry. I noticed that she wasn’t wearing the massive watch on her wrist.

  “What do you want, Beth?” I let out a sigh that she probably thought was angry. Maybe it was. Kelly was going home right now, and I had lied to her.

  But I had also lied to Beth, I had stood her up, and I’d hurt her.

  “I want you to come to Thanksgiving at my house.”


  “Wait.” She held up a slender arm, and the covers of my bed slid down her chest to expose more of her cleavage. Fuck me. “You’ll say no because you don’t want my parents to think that we are lovers. Correct?”

  “Yes, but-”

  “I’ve already explained our relationship to them. They are looking forward to meeting you. I even talked to Aimee about it, and she wants you to come over also.”

  “You asked Aimee?” I tried to hide my emotions. I hadn’t called her back either, and I wondered what Beth’s sister was assuming.

  “Yes. So my father, mother, and sister want you to come. Even Loretta wants you to come.”

  “Beth, I appreciate the invite, but I’ve only spent holidays alone since my parents died.” Saying the words made my throat close again. Memories of a dozen different Thanksgiving dinners flooded my mind, and I had to blink a few times to drive back the tears.

  “You didn’t want to play piano. Now you are playing. You didn’t want to play guitar, but now you are. You love music as I love painting.” She smiled sweetly at me. “I can understand why you are avoiding this holiday, but is there a possibility that you will learn to enjoy it again?”

  “Yeah,” I admitted. Beth had been correct about my music. If she hadn’t pushed me to play, I wouldn’t have been ready to perform with Nicole, Trey, and Roger. Now I felt almost alive again, and I was looking forward to playing with them again.

  “So Thursday. Come at ten in the morning. We do a brunch and a dinner. My parents want to meet you.”

  “That is a long day.” I was running out of excuses to say no, and I felt the outrage slipping from the back of my throat.

  “We all hang out. I bring down my easel to paint; sometimes my dad and mother play music.” Her smile was growing bigger, and I couldn’t help but admire her perfect teeth and full lips. She must have realized she was going to get her way.

  “Won’t I be imposing? It sounds intimate, and I don’t want to ruin your family tradition.”

  “No! It will be fine. As I said, we all want you to come.” She nodded, and her smile seemed to get even larger. “And if you do come, I will forgive you for the Getty.” Her face turned to a pout so quickly that I almost didn’t see the transition.

  “Okay,” I sighed. “I will come. You are sure it is okay with your parents? Aimee is okay with it?”

  “Yes! You are so obsessed with my parents. Should I call them now so you can talk to them?” she smirked.

  “Beth, you are sixteen. I need to be obsessed with your parents or I could go to jail.”

  “Bah! Only if we have sex... and if someone finds out. We could just not tell anyone.” Her voice turned into a dark purr, and I clenched my jaw.

  “If you want me to come to Thanksgiving, you can’t say that kind of stuff.”

  “Why not?” She pursed her lips again.

  “Because it isn’t going to happen.”

  “What isn’t going to happen?”

  “Us being lovers.”

  “Oh. Well, I guess everyone has an opinion.” She giggled lightly and tossed her hair back with a twist of her neck. The movement seemed practiced and the wave of her dark mane was mesmerizing.

  “Beth...” I crossed my arms and squeezed my biceps to distract myself from her.

  “Okay, okay.” She lay back against my pillows and pulled the covers up around her neck. “I don’t know why you fight this. We are fated to be together. I feel like we are wasting time with this game you are playing.”

  “The game I am playing?” This was outrageous.

  “Yes. It is obvious you love me as I love you. Yet you keep pushing me away.” I opened my mouth to speak, but she interrupted me. “But you can’t fight this Eric. I know we’ll be together.”

  “I think you are wrong, Beth, and I’m reconsidering going to Thanksgiving at your house.” This seemed to get her attention, because she sat up quickly in my bed.

  “Okay, I’m sorry. I won’t speak of it anymore. Just come to bed.” She slid over on my mattress and held up the cover so I could enter under the sheets next to her.

  “Ummm. No.” I said the words, but my penis was strongly disagreeing with me. “You need to leave.”

  “It is late though.” She pouted.

  “Don’t your parents know where you are? What do they think you are doing right now?”

  “They are busy, but I told them I am at your place.” She giggled and waved the covers of the bed as if telling me that I needed to hurry up and get inside.

  “No, you didn’t tell them you were here.” I put my hand over my face and closed my eyes. I should just run away right now. I was sure Beth’s dad would murder me at Thanksgiving.

  “I told them I was somewhere and that I’d be back by morning. So...” she looked at the covers again.

  “Fine.” I walked over to the side of the bed where she held the covers up, and she actually seemed surprised. It only lasted for half a second though; she quickly gained her composure, and her face returned to the look of confidence.

  “You sleep here. I’ll take the couch. I could also sleep in my car.” I yanked the brown fleece blanket of the bed, and the sudden movement made her yelp.

  “Pffft,” She sighed when I turned the light off in my room. I thought she would try to say something else in an attempt to convince me to sleep with her, but she didn’t.

  I closed the door to my room, turned off the hallway light, and then the rest of the lights in the apartment before I lay on the couch. I didn’t bother taking off my clothes. They were slightly uncomfortable to sleep in, but I didn’t want to risk going back into my room to find better sleeping attire.

  I was tired, but sleep didn’t come quickly. I was too busy worrying about Kelly’s disappointment, Beth in the next room, and what would happen at Thanksgiving. At least I’d had a great practice with the band and I started to wonder if Kelly was correct and they intended to ask me to join them on tour. I didn’t know how I felt about the opportunity. It seemed like every guitar player’s dream, but I had just gotten settled in my life again after my parent’s death. I’d just changed my major, just gotten a great job, and was making progress on reconciling with my parents’ death.

  Thoughts of all the possibilities finally carried me to sleep.

  End of book 2.

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  A letter from the author:

  Dear reader, if you REALLY want to read the next Rock God novel- I’ve got a bit of bad news for you. Unfortunately, Amazon will not tell you when book 3 comes out. You’ll probably never know about my next books, and you’ll be left wondering what happened to Eric, Jack, Beth, and Aimee. That’s rather tragic.

  There is good news though! There are three ways you can find out when the next book is published:

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  I have two bestselling fantasy series you might like. One is The Destroyer, the other is Lion’s Quest. If you like dark fantasy with a lot of violence and sex, you’ll love The Destroyer. If you prefer less sex you might like Lion’s Quest. Both of the series are epic fantasy, so each novel is two or three times the length of “normal” sized novels.

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  Editing by Daniel Schmitz, Ginger Earle, Nick Kuhns, Diane Velasquez, Deborah Haggitt, Jacqueline Miles (who also edits my audio books), Holly Lenz, Wanda Jewell, Cody Elyko, Jay Taylor, Lucas Luvith, Kenneth Smith, Anthony DePaolo, Alex Hyde, and Zach Summers.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2018 by Michael-Scott Earle