Rock God_Book 2_A Contemporary Harem Fantasy Page 10
“Of course he is good!” Brent answered and gestured to a man with a green uniform. You guys need another beer?”
“Sure!” Nicole said.
“Yep.” Roger nodded and smiled at my friend.
“I’m good for now. Trying not to drink too much before I play,” Trey said.
“We might not be playing at this rate,” Roger sighed and looked at his phone.
“Huh?” Brent asked.
“He’ll be here.” Trey shook his head. “Our guitarist is-”
“A fucking asshole,” Nicole said with an angry smile. “But that is a whole ‘nother story.”
There was an awkward silence for a few seconds before I spoke.
“Anyways. I really liked your show. Congrats on the record deal. What is next for you guys?”
“We’ve got a few more shows to play around town, then we are doing a tour throughout the US and Canada. Brent’s dad is also talking about Japan. They love rock music.” The three of them practically glowed along with Nicole’s words.
“That is awesome.” I didn’t know what else to say that wouldn’t have sounded trite. I’m sure they all worked their asses off and spent many nights wondering if they would ever make it. The life of a musician was hard, but I felt a bit of envy that they would be able to make a good living with their music.
“So this is where the sexy people are hanging out!” Katherine slid between Samantha and I and wrapped her right arm around my waist. “It took us so long to find you.” She gave me a kiss on the cheek, and I felt another arm slide around my waist from the other side. Kim leaned against me and gave me a matching kiss on the opposite cheek.
“Hi Eric.” The Asian girl stared into my eyes, and the memories of our threesome made my dick start to harden. They were both wearing short, skin-tight cocktail dresses. Katherine’s was a dark teal, and Kim’s was black with grey swirls around the bottom hem. Both of them were wearing their long hair loose over their shoulders and had dangling, loop-style earnings. It was hard for me to gawk at the women because they were on each side of me, but I intended to do so as soon as I got the chance.
“Thanks for inviting us, Brent!” Katherine said.
“It wouldn’t be a party without you! These are the guests of honor.” Brent gestured to the three members of the band, and my two dates for the night introduced themselves and shook hands. The cocktail waiter gave everyone in our little group a new round of beer or wine, and the group broke into smaller conversations.
“Sorry we are late. There was a fire at the circus,” Katherine whispered to me. She had pulled me, and therefore Kim, apart from the other five.
“Fire at the circus?”
“Yeah. It was intense!” She said it like ‘in tents,’ and I laughed with her.
“This is an awesome house, huh?” As soon as the words left my mouth, I realized it was probably showing the two girls how poor I was. I didn’t know exactly how rich Katherine and Kim were, but if they were hanging out with Jack’s new friends, then I figured they were probably well off.
“Totally. I love the themes of the different rooms,” Kim said. “The girl at the front said that they have fourteen bedrooms and twenty bathrooms.”
“I didn’t get a chance to see the upstairs,” I said.
“Oh, I’m sure Brent will let us stay here tonight.” Katherine giggled, and I felt her hand squeeze my ass cheek.
“You are being rather presumptuous, Catty,” Kim said. “Eric might have plans later tonight that don’t involve us.
“Ohh no. I hadn’t thought of that.” Katherine gave me a pouty look, and her green eyes sparkled. “You don’t have plans after the party, do you?”
“Hell no.” I laughed. “But I’m not sure that Brent will let us use a room, I’ve spotted a bunch of couples at this party, and there must be a few hundred people here. I don’t know if this is the sleep-over type of shindig.”
“My parents are in Seoul for the weekend. We can always go back to my place.” Kim licked her dark lips and then bit the bottom one.
“How close do they live?” I’d only had a few sips of wine, but I didn’t want to drink anymore if there was significant driving involved.
“We are in Bel Air. Five-minute drive.” Kim smiled, and I recalled how amazingly tight her pussy was around my cock.
“I say we watch the band play and then retire early,” Katherine smirked.
“What? We just got here. No one is retiring early!” Daya grabbed Katherine by the shoulders, and the two women hugged. Patrick was right behind her, and I shook the big guy’s hand, but then he pulled me into a bear hug.
“Hey buddy. Dad says you are doing great. Sorry I haven’t been by the office to say hi.”
“No worries. The job is simple, I’m just calling people.” Patrick was wearing slacks, dress shirt, sport coat, and a dark-navy tie. The outfit was unusual to wear to a rock party, and my friend saw me eyeing them.
“We had tickets to the symphony. Charity thing. It’s good to dress up every once in a while,” he explained.
“Looks good.”
Daya was wearing an alluring, black dress that was almost a gown. She made her way to me for a hug, but Brent jumped in to introduce her to the three band members. Patrick took a few steps over to them so that he could be included in the introduction.
“Want to watch me handle a stick?” Katherine grabbed one of the pool cues and gave me a mischievous smirk.
“Sure.” I laughed and winked at her. Brent and the band had been playing, but the musicians now looked engaged in conversation with Patrick, Daya, Samantha, and Brent. I grabbed the triangle thingy that racked the balls and began to arrange them.
“You guys gonna play?” Roger had broken away from the rest of the conversing group.
“Girls versus boys!” Katherine squealed, and then pointed with her cue. “We’ll break.” She bent over the edge of the table to give Roger and me a nice view of her cleavage, and then she slid the stick through her fingers a few times to get a feel for the wood.
“Pufft! Hair.” Her slightly curly brown locks fell in her face a bit, and she blew with annoyance. The hair fell back exactly into place, but she shrugged her athletic shoulders and hit the cue ball.
It was a good break, and one of the striped balls went in.
“Hot damn. I’m feeling lucky tonight.” She smiled at me and then strutted around the table to get a better angle on the white ball. This shot missed, and she pouted.
“Are there any sort of house rules?” Roger asked Katherine.
“Let’s just hit solids. When you get them all in, go for the eight ball.”
“Got it.” Roger turned to me, but I gestured for him to go next. He managed to knock two solids in before missing.
“My turn.” Kim fared the same as Roger, and the balls on the table were starting to thin.
When it was my turn, I lined up a shot, and Katherine stood on the opposite side of the table and suggestively put chalk on the tip of her cue. It was pretty sexy, but I managed to focus on the task at hand and still miss my shot.
“Gotcha!” She giggled and danced over to the table for her turn.
“So....” Roger stood next to and whispered under his breath. “We just met, and this isn’t really any of my business, but are both of those hotties with you?”
“Yeah.” I tried to think of a better way to answer, but nothing came to mind quick enough.
“Damn, dude. Guitar players always get the girls.”
“They don’t know that I play guitar. At least, I don’t think they do. I’ve never played for them or talked about it.”
Roger’s turn was next, and he walked around the table to find the best shot.
“Do you play bass?” I guessed.
“Yeah. Started on guitar, but switched in high school. Been playing for about eight years now.” He lined up his shot and sunk a solid ball.
“Awesome. I love bass players.” Even though I hadn’t exactly remembered Roger’s inst
rument, I recalled the songs they played having great rhythm parts with interesting bass lines.
“Yeah. Unsung heroes of the music world.” He chuckled and then missed his next shot.
“These poor boys can’t handle their poles.” Kim stuck her tongue at us and sat the edge of her tight ass on the wood of the table. She held the stick behind her back and managed to sink a ball.
“Holy shit, we are getting hustled,” Roger laughed while Kim lined up another shot.
“What? Me? I just learned how to play pool a few days ago.” She pouted in the way only a super-cute Asian girl could and then she banked a shot to sink another striped ball.
“Shhhh. Kim, we are supposed to sandbag and then put a wager on the line for game two,” Katherine laughed.
“I’m pretty sure I’m going to get everything I want tonight.” Kim smirked at me and concentrated on the next shot.
“Fuck, man. Why are you even at this party? I’d be trying to get out of here with both of them ten minutes ago,” he whispered to me.
“I do want to see you guys play again,” I said. “The night is still young.” I saw Kim sink another ball. There were only two left before the eight. “But I think this game is pretty much over.”
“Probably for the best.” Roger glanced at his phone and sighed. “We have to start warming up soon.”
“Your other band mate going to show?”
“I hope so, man. Fucking drama. Ruins bands, and we just got our big break.”
“Drama?” I asked. Maybe I didn’t want to hear about it, but the question came out of my mouth before I could think about it.
“Yeah. Jesse and Nicole were dating. Pretty seriously. After we got the record deal, she caught him cheating on her. It had been going on for a while.” Roger shrugged.
“You don’t seem that mad.”
“It is going to make the tour really uncomfortable that’s for damn sure, but it is what it is. If he doesn’t show tonight, it won’t look good for us.”
“Corner pocket!” Kim lined up her shot and knocked the eight ball in with ease. We still had more than half our balls on the table.
“You boys got schooled!” Katherine said. “Want to play again?”
“I think it is about time to warm up,” Roger said, and I noticed that our other friends had ended their conversation and were mingling into our group.
“I’ll take you guys to the studio. We’ve got a spare drum set there.” Brent was talking to Trey as they shuffled in our direction.
“Nice meeting ya, Eric.” Roger shook my hand. “I imagine you aren’t going to be around after the show,” he winked at me, “But if you are, we can talk more.”
“Sure.” I laughed and shook his hand. Then I watched Brent and Sam escort the three musicians out of the room.
“Next game. Boys versus girls!” Katherine called out again and pointed with her cue stick to Patrick. “Get those guns out, Pat! We just creamed Eric and the band geek. You’re next.”
“Uh oh.” Patrick smiled a big perfect grin and then pushed his palms out as if to surrender.
“Careful, buddy. They are hustlers.”
“Oh really? Maybe we should put some money on the table?” Patrick smirked.
“What kind of money we talking about?” I saw Katherine look at Daya, and the beautiful, dark-skinned woman shook her head slightly with her eyes wide. I picked up the signals and guessed that Patrick was a good billiards player.
“What ya got, Richie Rich?” Katherine had set her cue stick down and made cute boxing motions across the table.
“We are outnumbered. One of you will have to sit out,” I said after Patrick seemed to consider a cash value to put on the line.
“I’ll sit out,” Daya said quickly. “I’m fine to let the volleyball girls fight for my honor.” She shook her head with a light laugh and sat on the stool next to me.
“On second thought, let’s keep it friendly.” Brent gave me a thoughtful look and started pulling balls out of the pockets. “Guys win, you girls will have to wait on us hand and foot for the rest of the party. Vice versa if the girls win. So no asking the staff for food, drink, or whatever. The losers have to get it, and they have to answer ‘Yes King or Queen’ to all the requests.”
Katherine looked at Kim and then Daya. It seemed that they had some sort of unspoken communication for half an instant, and then Katherine agreed with a flourish of her pool cue.
“Ladies first! Whoops. I mean Queens first!” Patrick finished the rack, and then Katherine leaned over the edge of the table, gave me a seductive lick of her lips, and hit the cue ball. The white ball ricocheted off the edge of the clustered colored balls and then went into the far hole.
“Oh fuck!” she cursed.
“We win!” I clapped my hands and high fived Patrick.
“Oh come on! That wasn’t fair.”
“Those are the rules,” Patrick shrugged his broad shoulders. “Also, please end or begin all sentences with ‘King Patrick’ per the bet.”
“Come on. Let us have a do over.” She scrunched her nose.
“Ahem...” Patrick raised an eyebrow.
“Ugh. King Patrick. Can we please have a do over?” Katherine rolled her eyes slightly. Daya, Kim, Patrick, and I couldn’t hold back our laughter.
“Okay fine, but we break now. Eric goes first.” He bowed slightly to me, and I exaggerated a royal-looking bow in return.
I smiled smugly at Katherine when I took her place at the head of the table. I lined up my shot and then hit the cue ball at a good spot behind the first and second balls. There was a brief few moments of havoc on the table, but I saw two striped balls go into the pockets.
“Alright!” I overemphasized an arm pump and then high fived Patrick again. I found another easy striped shot, lined it up, and then sank the ball.
“Ugh. Did you sandbag the first game?” Katherine asked.
“You were distracting me last game.” I stuck my tongue out at her and patrolled for the next shot. There were no easy balls now, and I figured I’d just place the cue ball on the table where the girls couldn’t get an easy shot at their solids.
“Ahhh, you bastard.” Kim playfully smacked me on the ass after I succeeded in putting the ball in the corner behind one of our striped balls.
“I got this. Watch me show these meat heads.” Katherine winked at me and then tried to bank the cue ball off of the wall to hit a solid. It completely missed and lined up perfectly with one of our next balls.
“You sure showed us,” Patrick mocked. Katherine glared at him and then me before she smiled.
My big friend bent over the table and positioned his cue behind the white ball. Even that simple movement was enough to convince me that he knew his way around a billiards table. The next ball went in, then another, then another, and then he made a tricky bank shot where the cue ball spun away and knocked another solid ball in.
“You are kidding me.” Kim put her hand over her pretty face and groaned.
“It’s not over yet!” Katherine tried to encourage her, but Patrick sank the last solid ball and then set his sights on the eight.
“Now it is over. Center pocket.” He gestured with his stick, and then the black ball went in easily after he hit the white ball into it.
“And now...” Patrick rolled a single hand like a wind turbine, “you shall address Eric and I by our rightful titles.”
“I’m starting to feel a little hungry.” I rubbed my stomach in a clockwise motion, “and my wine is empty. I could really go for a beer.” I looked at Katherine and Kim with an eyebrow raised.
“Yes, King Eric. We’ll go get you some food and drink.” Kim stuck her tongue out at me, and Katherine rolled her eyes. The girls turned around and walked out of the game room holding hands. Every other guy in the room watched them parade out with their mouths open.
I saw Samantha and Brent walk into the room. They each wore concerned facial expressions, and they walked over to Patrick, Daya, and I.
“Hey Eric, you got a second?” Brent asked.
“What’s up?”
“So the band’s guitarist is a no-show. They can’t get a hold of him, and they are supposed to go on in twenty. They are getting warmed up, freaking out a little, and they asked if I could grab you so they could talk to you.”
“Uhhh. What do they want to talk to me about?” I felt my stomach sink slightly.
“I’ll tell you on the way. The studio is down the hallway. Come on.” He gestured with his head.
“We’ll tell the girls you went to the studio,” Patrick said.
“Thanks. I’ll be back.” I smiled at him and Daya before I followed Brent and Samantha out of the game room.
The studio was at the far end of the hallway, and it was much larger than I expected. We first walked into kind of a lounge area. There were keyboards, basses, guitars, woodwinds, brass instruments, and some string-instrument cases. Two doors on opposite sides of the room led to what I assumed were the recording and mixing rooms.
The right-most door was open, and the band was playing one of the songs that I recognized from the other night. Brent led me to the room, and the three of us walked to where the band was playing.
“I brought him!” The band stopped playing as soon as we entered.
“Hey Eric.” Nicole held a neon-pink guitar tied over her shoulder with a camouflage-green strap. She took a step toward me and shook my hand. “Thanks for coming.”
“What’s going on?”
“Sooo...” She looked back to Roger and Trey. “Brent said you were a great guitar player. Is that true?”
“I’ve been playing for most of my life.” I looked at Brent and shrugged. He hadn’t actually heard me play.
“That kinda doesn’t mean much. Can you play chords?”
“Of course.” I knew where this was going, and I didn’t quite know how to respond until they asked me.
“Do you think you could help us out tonight? Our guitarist is being a serious douchebag, and he is flaking on us.”
“Aren’t you going on in twenty minutes? How many sets are you playing?”